Web Design
Web design is vital to your company’s corporate identity. It must reflect values and objectives, differentiate itself and visually attract users.
Web design is nowadays a key factor in the success of companies on the Internet. As it is the first impression that customers get of companies, it is of utmost importance to take care of the appearance of the website both in terms of design and the content offered on it.
Web design has become an increasingly important element in establishing the corporate identity of a company. It is not only a letter of introduction to the consumer or potential client, but also the most effective way of differentiating oneself from the competitors.
In fact, the development of corporate identity through web design is essential for any marketing strategy, but how are both resources related?Aesthetics, personalisation, loading speed and content are not the only elements to take into account in web development. The overall experience that the user has when entering a company’s website will be decisive in transmitting a specific image to the consumer.
The importance of web design in corporate identity
The corporate identity of companies refers to everything that makes brands unique and easy to identify. This includes not only their colours, logo and representation of products and services, but also elements that can generate emotions in the user.
To achieve a good corporate image, it is essential to use the right communication and marketing strategies. It is for this reason that web design is often used, as it is one of the most effective tools for transmitting the values and objectives of companies.
But how exactly do web design and corporate identity relate to each other? Corporate identity is key in web design because it is the visual image of the company.
When starting with web design, it is necessary to be coherent with the brand’s corporate image: take into account the company’s logo, its main colours, the typography and the type of images and texts.
It can be said that the usefulness of web design for a company’s corporate identity lies in making it easier for users to become visually familiar with the company.
Web design as part of corporate identity
Web design is the first step in any company’s digital marketing strategy. This is mainly due to the great impact a website has on customers. Not only will it contribute to the promotion of the company, but it will also reinforce the users’ trust in the company.
Although there are several factors to take into account when looking for this type of services, the essential thing is to have a customised web design. Often it is not enough to use templates to create a corporate website, but it is essential to make a difference and position yourself with original designs in front of the competitors.
If you want to create a corporate website or an online shop, you have several digital alternatives to choose from. Among them, one of the most popular platforms is WordPress, which offers a wide range of comprehensive functionalities. Thanks to its flexibility, it facilitates the creation, management and publication of content in an efficient way, allowing the creation of quality corporate websites and online shops without having to resort to complex solutions.
Developing an attractive web design that is coherent with the corporate identity of a company is a complex process: it requires a lot of experience, a clear vision of what you are looking for and, above all, the knowledge of a web designer who is an expert in the development of websites and online shops.
Below are the main web design services I offer:
Corporate website
This involves designing a website that includes information about the company, such as the company’s history, the members of the team, the main services offered and contact details. There are also many company websites that include a blog section: a blog is a section of the website in which the company publishes content with a certain frequency that may be of interest to potential customers, such as news, promotions, training or interviews with employees and suppliers.
Online catalogue
The online catalogue is an intermediate step between the corporate website and the online shop. It is an informative website in which, in addition to talking about the company, its history and how to contact it, the visitor is offered a catalogue of its services or products. There is no option to buy but the customer can see what kind of products or services the company offers comfortably from the comfort of their own home.
Online shop
The online shop or e-commerce is a catalogue of products in which the visitor can buy them directly. The product comes with its picture, description and price, and the online shop visitor can make a transaction and receive the product conveniently at home. Online sales have exploded in all sectors, especially after the pandemic, when small shops joined in the sales through their websites.
Appointment booking websites
Another option that we can find very interesting for small businesses are those websites that offer a booking or appointment system for their customers. It is ideal for small businesses such as restaurants, hairdressers, beauty salons, law firms or medical practices that want to have their agenda organised and at the same time offer visitors a quick and convenient service to book their appointment.
Landing page
Landing pages are simple web pages oriented to specific advertising campaigns or single products. They are designed to achieve a single goal: either to sell a product, book a ticket or collect personal data from the visitor.
In addition to the web design of your ideal site (shop, catalogue, landing page…) I recommend you to bet on web marketing to increase your visits and your sales.
In short, the first step is to have a totally personalised and original website, which is different from the templates used by the competition, and which represents and is in line with the corporate identity of the company.
Contact me to define the web project you need, taking into account the particularities of your company to offer you a customised web design that allows you to differentiate yourself and offer added value to your customers.